Plastic Isn't Fantastic

Plastic Isn't Fantastic

This Term in Year 7 English, The Students launched the XIL Project Plastic Isn’t Fantastic with the help of real life conservationist and eco warrior Plastic Free Sophia! Just like our students were in our launch, Sophia also undertook a research project at school to advocate for the banning of Single-Use Plastic, a project which took her all across NSW to meet with politicians (including premier Gladys Bereiklian) and other influential environmental activists in her quest to ban single-use plastic bags in NSW.

For the launch event, before watching Sophia’s challenge video, our Year 7 students did their own single use plastic audit at home to identify what single-use plastic they had; and, identify whether or not they knew how to safely and responsibly dispose of their single-use plastic. The results were very surprising for all!

Year 7 worked collaboratively to decode their project brief and build a list of Knows and Need to Knows to work out a way forward. They created a Calendar of Tasks to create a roadmap to plan and work towards a persuasive editorial  to encourage readers to adopt alternatives to single-use plastics.

   Project Planning




Students created of informative, persuasive and engaging Infographics to adopt people to use alternatives to a particular single use plastic!
